Get paid faster, cheaper and more reliably.

We make payment processing better for small & medium sized businesses in the UK.

Only £0.60 per payment transaction. Get paid on time and save time, money, and stress.

Get paid faster

Only £0.60 per payment transaction

No Setup Costs. No Hidden Fees.
We use open banking to help you get your invoices paid. Up to £1,000,000 within the UK, with a fixed and final fee of £0.6 (exclusive of VAT).

Suppose the monthly turnover of your business is £20,000, you will be able to save for a year an amount of about £2,800.

Cheaper than other solutions  

How much fee you will pay for invoice? PaylistsOpen banking Competitors Credit card competitors
Examples: Fix fee of  £0.6 0.6% of transaction1.2% of transaction
£1,000£0.6 £6 £12 
£10,000 £0.6 £60 £120
£20,000 £0.6 £120 £240

This offer is intended for businesses with up to 50 invoices per month. Over 50 invoices per month please see our pricing.

100% secure (through an FCA authorised payment facilitator and PCI DSS compliance)

Fast and reliable 
The payment goes immediately from your client’s bank account to you, in seconds and without middlemen who take commissions

How does it work?

  1. Upload your invoice (or create it directly within Paylists)

  2. Send it to your customer

  3. Get paid in seconds

You can upload invoices which created manually as a PDF or from an accounting system. You can easily upload invoices through an interface from Xero.

Fully integrated with Xero – One click of a button and the invoices can be sent to the customer

Why choose us?
We are focused on small and medium-sized businesses in the UK and unlike competitors who take a percentage of the invoice value, we take a fixed and small commission.
We believe that businesses should reduce their costs as much as possible, in order to invest their money in business development and growth.

And much more 

Paylists has been specially designed for small & medium businesses in the UK, to help business owners reduce late payments and improve cash flow:

  1. A uniquely collaborative, invoice management solution

  2. Visualise the payment flow at any stage

  3. Communicate with customers, leaving an audit trail

  4. Follow up with reminder letters if necessary

  5. A customer portal with all his invoices.